CPPA 2019


20th – 22nd June 2019 Iași, Romania

The Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, traditionally organized by the Romanian plasma community, reaches its 18th edition. Traditionally, the conference is organized by the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest (INFLPR) and Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (UAIC). The Conference focuses on the recent advances in plasma fundamentals and applications with the goal to provide excellent conditions for discussion and establishing scientific contacts. Leading plasma scientists are invited to give lectures outlining the latest achievements in their field of research.

Details here


2014, September 26 is the Night of Researchers.

It celebrates the same evening in over 300 cities in Europe. We are waiting for you to Iasi, Bucharest, Timisoara, Craiova , Cluj and Sibiu to take part in experiments crazy conferences still unsolved mysteries of science. Visit our site:

2014 Reseach Night #doyouspeakscience

26 Septembrie 2014 este Noaptea Cercetătorilor este celebrată în mai multe de 300 de orașe europene în fiecare an în ultima vineri din luna septembrie. Vă așteptăm în Iași, București, Timișoara, Craiova, Cluj și Sibiu să luați parte la experimente trăsnite, conferințe despre misterele științei. Vizitați siteul nostru:

Noaptea Cercetătorilor 2014 #doyouspeakscience


2013, September 27 is the Night of Researchers. It celebrates the same evening in over 300 cities in Europe. We are waiting for you to Iasi, Bucharest, Timisoara, Craiova and Cluj to take part in experiments crazy conferences still unsolved mysteries of science. Visit our site: http://noapteacercetatorilor.uaic.ro


The 15th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications (CPPA2010) will be held in Iasi, northeast of Romania, on July 1-4, 2010. The Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications is a biennial international conference with topics encompassing the whole area of plasma physics and technology.

Please visit CPPA2010 site