Alina Silvia Chiper
Tailoring the working gas flow to improve the surface modification of plasma-treated polymers,
Materials Letters, 305, 130832 (2021);
Alina Silvia Chiper
Systematic investigation of the pulsed barrier discharges in flowing and stationary gas: From differences to similarities
Physics of Plasmas 28, 053511 (2021);
C. Costin
Secondary electron emission under magnetic constraint: from Monte Carlo simulations to analytical solution
Sci Rep 11, 1874 (2021)
Gerber, I. C., Mihaila, I., Pohoata, V., & Topala, I.
Evolution of Electrical and Optical Parameters of a Helium Plasma Jet in Interaction With Liquids.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 49(2), 557-562, (2021).