of Physics
"Al. I. Cuza" University (UAIC)
Iasi, Romania
National Institute for Laser,
Plasma and Radiation Physics (NILPRP)
Bucharest, Romania
Romanian Physical Society, Plasma Division
The 15th Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications (CPPA2010) will be held in Iasi, northeast of Romania, on July 1-4, 2010. The Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications is a biennial international conference with topics encompassing the whole area of plasma physics and technology.
The main purpose of the Conference is to present the recent progress in the research carried out in Romania in the field of plasma physics and technology and their applications. By tradition the Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications includes results of joint research work performed by Romanian scientists in co-operation with scientists from laboratories around the world.
The Conference offers the opportunity to invite worldwide prominent scientists in the field to present most interesting ideas and most important problems in physics of plasma and its applications.
Faculty of Physics
"Al. I. Cuza" University
11 Carol I Blvd
700506 Iasi, Romania
Tel: + 40 (0)232 20 11 88
+ 40 (0)232 20 10 25
Fax: + 40 (0)232 20 11 50
Website: www.plasma.uaic.ro
E-mail: cppa2010@plasma.uaic.ro
National Institute for Laser,
Plasma and Radiation Physics
P.O. Box MG 36, Magurele
77125 Bucharest, Romania
Tel: + 40 (0)21 457 44 70
+ 40 (0)21 457 45 50
Fax: + 40 (0)21 457 44 70
+ 40 (0)21 457 42 43
E-mail: dinescug@infim.ro
June 8th, 2010
More information concerning the submission of full manuscript are available online. ... read more.
May 28th, 2010
Some small changes into preliminary conference program have been done. ... read more.
May 25th, 2010
The deadline for Advanced Registration Fee is extended to June 4th, 2010. ... read more.
May 17th, 2010
The list of accepted papers and preliminary conference program are avaible online... read more.
May 3rd, 2010:
Informations on fees payment, registration, accommodation and publication of contributions were now released.
... read more.
April 12th 2010:
Deadline for Notification of abstract acceptance, Call for contributed paper
... read more.
March 1st 2010:
Deadlines and conferences fee were modified.... read more.
February 15th 2010:
Deadlines for abstract submission and notification for abstract acceptance were extended. ... read more.
January 6th 2010:
The CPPA-2010 Organizing Committee has sent the first announcemet... read more.